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My Teachers

Shannon is my latest addition to my support network of yoga teacher trainers. I found her while surfing Spotify for a podcast that was yoga related (I had never even listened to a podcast before!). In her first episode, she interviewed someone on Yoga Teacher Burnout and I was hooked! I work with Shannon regularly on building my own yoga business and next on my list is to develop a deeper understanding of pelvic health. The more I learn from her, the more confident I am in what I have to share and offer my students!

After I received my 200hr yoga teacher certification, I was thirsty for more knowledge within the realm of alignment. That's when I met Stacey and I realized... I had so MUCH more to learn than just alignment! After discovering the wonders of fascia and Yoga TuneUp therapy balls with Stacey at Yoga Tree in San Francisco, CA, I quickly signed up for her 3-part Explore Your Core Series. Students now will experience Stacey's teachings through me as we use class as an "experiment" to gauge flexibility through the power of strengthening and you can bet we are always working on a core-exercise (Sanskrit-named or not!).

Barbra is just like her picture below - she is a source of calm and stability. She, along with Lisa Murray, conducted my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. From Barbra I learned how restorative Yoga Nidra could be and how strong I could feel in a slower vinyasa practice. She taught me much about pranayama (breathwork), appreciating transitions between asanas (poses) and how Viniyoga can reduce stress and anxiety. On a cloudy, stressful or cold day, you'll find Barbra's teachings coming through me as a serene Viniyoga class.

Lisa offered me a home-base at Yoga Community after I moved from Texas. I'm stuck to Yoga Community like white-on-rice! I started off taking plenty of classes, then I moved on to checking students into classes at the front desk, then I proudly enrolled in Lisa's 2nd year Yoga Teacher Training that expanded over 9 months, and now I teach yoga at Yoga Community. Lisa taught me Raja meditation. In fact, she gave me a verbal contract to attend her Saturday morning meditation classes as much as possible. I went so often that when it came time to teach this was the only thing I wanted to do! In my classes now, you'll hear Lisa's teachings of balance postures, the breath as our tool kit and guided savasana (which is really her guided meditation!).

It all began with Kristal! She left the corporate world to...well, teach corporate yoga! She came twice a week to teach my colleagues and me Beginning Vinyasa at my work. I had no excuse but to go (and avoid traffic). She pushed us but always had something interesting to read or a theme for our class. She encouraged meditation and expression through blogging. She left us after sometime to pursue her dream of establishing her own studio in downtown San Antonio, TX! Her passion for setting intentions, centering class around a flow and blogging ignited my own. I'm forever grateful to her for the lessons she instilled upon me, those same lessons that I teach students today.

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