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Forum Posts

Nov 06, 2022
Happy Sacred Sunday @Mari and @ahimsayogavt! Jane, we are wishing you well and sending so much light for the big push of your 300-hr training! We can't wait to hear more about it. 😊 Here are some quick updates for you both for our beautiful Executive Club: 1) Clair-ity Club Launch: Get ready for emails to be sent about the Clair-ity Club! I'm all ears, especially to you two, if I can make the CC more special or clearer! This will be launched this Friday, 11/11/22. 2) 2023 EC Schedule: Because I've been updating everything on the backend at the same time, I can't publish our new dates until this Friday, 11/11/22 lol. They are complete though! Looking forward to your thoughts on the layout of the new Schedule tab! 3) November Strategy Session: Our next session is next week on Tues, 11/15/22. It's on a Tuesday to accommodate Jane's special training. I have invited my sister, Danielle, to join again and she's so excited! I have also invited another long-term client who knows all about time blocking named Jennie MacGoy. She's a yoga teacher navigating her way with her business and I'm hopeful you two will just enjoy her sunshine-y yet authentic spirit. Our topic is on our favorite one - Protecting Boundaries During the Holidays! Does this topic still resonate with you two? 4). How is your Q4 goal progression? As much as I had high hopes for my goal, I've quickly come to realize that I set a VERY tough goal for myself during the holiday season, especially after coming back after a sort of hiatus. I will tell you that the goal has driven me to set up all of my processes so I'm confident next year I'll see movement! Sending you both big hugs and happy start to our holiday season! Renee
Oct 12, 2022
Well hello again @ahimsayogavt and @Mari! October seems to be going very quickly for me! How is it feeling for you? How was your Hunter's Full Moon? Set any new intentions? :) Our upcoming Strategy Session is next Monday! Our topic is Meditation, Mindfulness + Productivity. Does this topic still resonate for you two, or would you like to focus on something else to help you conquer your Q4 goal? :) And...I'm so excited to share that my sister has excepted your sweet invitation to join us! Her name is Danielle Clair and she finished a 3-month package with me recently. She knows all about time blocking and is still eager to know more! Does this still feel ok with you two to have her join? She's really excited to meet you both! Strategy Session: Meditation, Mindfulness + Productivity Monday, 10/17 1-hr *Zoom Link is on the "Schedule" Tab Sending Love + Light, Renee
Oct 04, 2022
Hi @Mari and @ahimsayogavt ! I hope you two are doing swimmingly and on your way to achieving your Q4 goal with calmness and clarity :) I've mapped out some tentative Strategy Session themes for 2023 which can always change as we move along on our journey together. I decided to do something unique and added specific departments to pave the way for each session too! And Jane, I took into account sessions that you would not be available and tried to add your ideas to when you WILL be available :) What do you think about the themes below? Sat, 1/21 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: MASTERING THE ART OF PRODUCTIVITY IN 2023 Mon, 2/13 - FINANCE DEPARTMENT: QuickBooks Training Mon, 3/13 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: Q2 Goal Setting Mon, 4/10 - MARKETING DEPARTMENT: Project Planning: Creating a Video Opt In Mon, 5/8 - SALES DEPARTMENT: Getting Clear on Your Sales Cycle Mon, 6/12 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: Semi-Annual / Q3 Goal Setting Mon, 7/10 - FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Setting a Clear Quarterly Financial Goal Mon, 8/14 - OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: Enneagram & Personal Productivity Mon, 9/11 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: Q4 Goal Setting Mon, 10/9 - OPERATIONS: Time Management vs. Time Allocation Mon, 11/13 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: Protecting Boundaries During The Holidays Mon, 12/11 - HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT: Annual Review + Holiday Party
Sep 28, 2022
@Mari and @ahimsayogavt Hi Ladies! It was so wonderful to see you on Monday! I always hope off a Quarterly Strategy session feeling so proud and invorgorated, ready to tackle my personal quarterly goals! Thank you so much for your authenticity, feedback and ideas! I have updated all 2022 and 2023 dates on the Schedule Tab here in our Executive Suite :) The top part is an app and the bottom part, which I'm growing to love, is the part I'm manually creating! I will be adding Zoom links and finalizing Strategy Session themes and descriptions soon so stay tuned! Have a beautiful day! Renee
Sep 26, 2022
Click the link below to listen to this curated playlist just for you, fellow Light Worker! Listen to this music when you are having a hard day, are dealing with imposter syndrome, feel like you are stuck or during your HQ time block! Executive Club Inspirational Playlist PS: New songs are added all the time so check back often!
Executive Club Inspirational Playlist content media
Aug 20, 2022
Hi again @Mari and @ahimsayogavt ! Here are the the workshop dates I was thinking: Time Estimation 9/19 at 12p PT / 2p CT / 3p ET 1-hr $25 Marketing Processes + Automation 10/10 at 12p PT / 2p CT / 3p ET 1-hr $25
Aug 20, 2022
Hi @Mari and @ahimsayogavt , OK! I gave some thought to rescheduling our future meetings. How about this? Executive Club Meetings (Generally 2nd or 3rd Monday of each month) 12p PT / 2p CT / 3p ET New schedule: 9/26/22: Q4 Goal Setting 10/17/22: Meditation, Mindfulness + Productivity 11/7/22: Protecting Boundaries During the Holidays 12/12/22: Q4 Review and Executive Club HOLIDAY PART! 1/14/23 (Saturday): Mastering the Art of Productivity in 2023: A 6-hr Online Retreat to Set Your Annual Goal *Starting in February we begin with Mondays :) What do you think?!
Aug 11, 2022
Hello Wonderful CEOs! @ahimsayogavt @Mari Happy August Full Moon! How are you? How is your Q3 goal progressing? Our upcoming Strategy Session is next Friday! Our topic is Time Management + Doshas. Although we have chatted on this topic before, it was so impactful, that I wrote it down to discuss again! Is this a good time for that, or is something else calling to you? Let me know so I can be of service! My next question is more of a favor... how would you ladies feel if we moved our session to 11a-12p PT (2-3p ET)? I am so excited to be taking a 4-day training with Dr. Jean Houston in small group session and bring all of that sweet goodness to you all! This time is our "lunch" break but I've been given permission to escape for our regularly scheduled session too if needed! Thoughts? Strategy Session: Time Management + Dosas Friday, 8/19 1-hr *Zoom Link is on the "Schedule" Tab Sending Love + Light, Renee
AUGUST STRATEGY SESSION - 1 week away! :) content media
Jul 17, 2022
Hi @ahimsayogavt and @Mari ! Just a quick note to say I just updated our Schedule tab with links, updated dates and more! :)
Updated Schedule :) content media
Jul 06, 2022
@ahimsayogavt and @Mari Hello my Fab 2 Founders! I have 3 questions that I'd love your feedback on... ready?! Here we go: 1) Monthly Meeting Day: I think, as things progress, that usually Mondays work better for me to juggle with the full-time job. Same time. Does this day work for both of you? Or, could it work for you in the new year? Or maybe even a TUESDAY? Research/data shows that usually folks attend things Tues-Thurs. Thoughts? 2) Mastering the Art of Productivity (Q1 + Annual Goal Setting): After returning from my wild event and hearing Jane's voice in my head (j/k!), I'm finally getting inspired... How do you two feel about either a 1-day or 3-day event experience? This would be the time that I open it up to the public, we go on a learning adventure, and then we invite people to apply to be part of our Club (which is really a Mastermind!). I have neat ideas like asking each of you to provide testimonies, maybe inviting guest speakers, figuring out how to get music involved, and, of Course, journaling with our beloved journal :) I also was thinking of guiding us in some yoga/meditation to a fuller extent. Item 1 above corresponds to this one... if people can come to an event during the week, they usually can make the day/time of the monthly club meeting. Thoughts? 3) Workshop in Q3: I'm feeling called to give an offering to the public (this idea is totally gratis for you both because it is completely a perk of the Membership!). My ideas are these: a) Yoga for WellnessPreneurs / Group Class / $25 for 45 mins to 1hr b) Productivity Tune Up / Group Coaching Session / $99 for 1hr - 2hrs c) Yoga, Meditation + Productivity Group Coaching / Group Session / unsure of energy exchange or timing Do any of these resonate for you? Or is there something that you need and you know others need right now? I'm looking to create community, give a foundation and it to feel light (not so time consuming). Thank you both for always giving me your input / feedback! I'm hoping to really grow our club in 2023! Renee
Jul 05, 2022
Hello Beautiful Executive Club Members!! @ahimsayogavt @Mari How are you today? How are you FEELING? How is your body/mind/spirit? Collectively, I'm so glad we decided to push out our Q3 goal setting sesh (which is now NEXT Friday, 7/15 - link is in our schedule tab!). I'm personally TIRED. Mind/body/soul - I've pushed myself to all sorts of limits during the month of June... and you know what I've come back to? ACCEPTANCE. We'll chat more about that soon! To set the tone for our Quarterly Strategy Session, I'm creating space for us to return and ground down into what boundaries are and what it means to shape them around our desires, energy, money and time. In order to prepare for our time together next week, here are some journaling questions: 1) Think back on all of our strategy and quarterly sessions this far... what kind of boundaries have you set around your energy? Time? Money? Relationships? Clients? 2) Are you adhering to these boundaries? 3) If not, how can you reshape them to fit where you are now? If yes, way to go! Where else can you examine boundaries in your life? 4) This one is an interesting one... is there anywhere in your life you need to LOOSEN THE GRIP on some boundaries? 5) What do you need to HEAL in order to achieve your deepest heart's desire? AKA your San Kalpa AKA your heart-felt goals of 2022? 6) What are your head goals? 7) Jot down your Head and Heart goals of 2022 and recall your Q2 goal. Have this handy for next Friday :) 8) Have your time blocking schedule handy. You may want to tweak this or have it in front of you to tweak it later 😁 Sending Love + Light, Reneé Clair PS: Here is the workbook for next Friday! @ahimsayogavt and @Mari I made minor updates to the below workbook (on page 4, I removed the specific meditation and I flip/flopped annual vs. Q2 focus). Enjoy!
Q3 Is Here! Are you ready? :) content media
May 14, 2022
Hello Beautiful Board Members! @ahimsayogavt @Mari First, I'd love to hear an update on the following: 1) How is your Q2 Goal progressing? Are you still feeling aligned with it and your efforts? 2) How is your Homework going from our April Strategy Session? Did you hone in on your Top 5-6 Core Biz Values? This can take time so practice ahimsa if you haven't finished this task yet :) Second, I'm so excited to see you both next Friday! Our topic is Niching + Ideal Clients. Personally, I find that this topic can be talked about enough because our businesses are like US... they change, grow and evolve the more we understand about our clients and the more we keep aligning ourselves on the path to a higher purpose :) I'm excited to share my story and see how clear you are about your ideal clients! Does this topic still resonate for you both? Or would you prefer to chat about something else? Strategy Session: Niching + Ideal Clients Friday, 5/20 1-hr *Zoom Link is on the "Schedule" Tab Sending Love + Light, Renee
May Strategy Session - It's in One Week! content media
Apr 18, 2022
Hey Board Members aka Light Workers! @ahimsayogavt @Mari How have you been?! How has your progress been toward your Q2 goal? I'm so excited to see you both this Friday, 4/22! Zoom link is in the Schedule Section :) Our topic is Ethics + Boundaries... in particular, how to know and choose the right places and people to work with and how to navigate the battle of making-money vs. our own value-system. How does this topic resonate for you both? Looking forward to your thoughts! Renee *Kim's Convenience - one of my fave shows on Netflix!
April Strategy Session - Are you ready?! :) content media
Mar 31, 2022
Hi Executives! Last year, I planned our strategy sessions around my full-time job events which some have since changed. Since we last met on 3/25, I feel like us meeting again 4/8 is far too soon! How does 4/22 sound? Does anyone have any commitments then? Or will you remind me if you've told me before? :) Sending Love + Light, TPWP
New Date for April Strategy Session? content media
Mar 29, 2022
I commit to being intentional with my thoughts, words, and actions. What I say and write down is a form of manifestation. I tell the truth to myself and others with love, care, and concern. I ask questions with kindness when I am suspect there is a misunderstanding. I practice the deepest acceptance and compassion towards myself and others. I practice Ahimsa (non-harm) by first listening to my heart before speaking or taking action. I allow and honor that each person is coming from their own lived experiences. I hold a safe space for others to come and safely share their experiences. I am kind to myself and I remind myself daily that I am my own best friend. I honor my own journey and remain flexible with the results that are to unfold. I am open to beautiful results though they may not be what I initially planned. I honor my own pace and I know there is no contest or race. I will get there when I get there, especially if God/Goddess/Universe deems it so. There is no need to compare my situation to others as we are finding joy in varying ways and struggling with our own deep wounds. I experience productivity, full-life integration, and group coaching with joy and openness. I am prepared, on time and aware. I openly share and hold space for others to share. I am here to listen and learn. I suspend the need to change anyone’s opinions and I ask questions from a place of curiosity and love. I dream big and hold space for others to do the same. I acknowledge that I am doing my best each and every day. As Ram Dass says, “We are all just walking each other home.” I remain grateful for all that has been and all that is to come. My business is an extension of me. It is a reflection of all that I am. The more I nurture my mind, body, spirit, and emotions the more my business grows. The more I heal my money wounds the more money flows in. The more I am grateful for all I have the more I shall find contentment. Such is the journey.
The 5 Guiding Lights content media
Dec 04, 2021
I'm so excited to roll this out for us and new member this year! You can add files, share photos, chat with one another and I'll organize each month into a category for us! This will be your one stop shop for the Executive Club. Welcome dear Light Worker!! Leave a note and say hi below and let me know what you think!
Dec 04, 2021
OK, well, we already know one another but here's another space for you to share something perhaps we DON'T know just yet :)
Dec 04, 2021
What should we add here? :) We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: Respect each other Keep posts relevant to the forum topic No spamming


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