Recipe Alert: Easy (and YUMMY) Protein Shake

If you are anything like me, when you find a recipe you are interested, you scroll straight on down to the ingredients list first and come back to reading the intel later.

So... let's get to it:

*Disclaimer: I am a proud Amazon Affiliate! If you click any Amazon link below and purchase a product (doesn't have to be one below) during that same day, I get a small commission. I promise to always list the cheapest item on Amazon that is the same as or comparable to my products mentioned. Thank you for supporting my blog and yoga business! Namaste! *

ReneƩ's Rockin' Protein Shake


  • 1 Scoop Protein Powder (Bluebonnet 100% Natural Dual-Action Protein Whey+Casein Natural French Vanilla)

  • 1 Cup Milk or Nut Milk (Sunnyside Farms Fat-Free Milk)

  • Handful of Berries (Strawberries)

  • 1 Teaspoon Nut Butter (MaraNatha Organic NO STIR Peanut Butter Creamy)

  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Cocoa (Equal Exchange Chocolates Organic Baking Cocoa)

  • Sprinkle Cacao Nibs (Navitas Naturals Cacao Nibs)


Combine all ingredients in your favorite blender (I have a good ol' fashioned one from Target... No Ninja or Bullet needed!). Mix until all is blended well. Pour into your favorite pint glass or large glass. Enjoy!



I've started weight training recently so I definitely need a good protein shake to get me through the day and to power me through my workout. Here are some fun facts:

Q) Why casein?

A) This is the fun part of the protein that keeps you full for longer because it is slower to digest (no crazy-starvacious hunger pangs later!) Click here for why I prefer both whey and protein together: Whey vs. Casein Protein Article

Q) Why Bluebonnet?

A) Because it's made in Texas and that's where I was made! In all seriousness, they are a great brand that I trust. My Personal Trainer swears by Muscle Milk... which is cheaper.

Q) Why the cacao nibs and cocoa powder?

A) The vanilla protein powder you see here doesn't taste as good as it's sister (the chocolate protein powder). My taste buds need attention so I pack a little extra chocolatey crunch in there to help me feel like I'm getting a treat.

Q) Why fat-free milk?

A) My Personal Trainer says that I get more protein from regular cow's milk than my preferred nut milk and fat-free cow's milk has less fat and sugar... and she's right. I used to think I was lactose-intolerant, but now I'm pretty sure I'm just fat-intolerant. My tummy used to do topsy-turvies whenever I would eat ice cream, however, I don't experience this same warfare in my stomach when I drink fat-free milk. Plus, I typically opt for organic and well-treated cow's milk to do my part for the world. If you asked me 2 years ago what would be my base milk, I would have said organic almond milk :)

Q) Why the nut butter?

A) When you combine the nut butter with berries, you get a PB&J (Peanut Butter and Jelly) effect! Yummmmmmmm! Beach Body has a terrific recipe with their Shakeology protein powder (pricey but yummy and packed with vitamins). I recommend you check it out!

If you try out this recipe, I'd love to see how you mix it up and how you get it to fit your needs! Post pictures and comments below.
